Due date for filing Income Tax return for AY 2020-21 ( FY 2019-20) is 31st December, 2020 for taxpayers who are not required to get their accounts audited and 31st January, 2021 for taxpayers who are required to get their accounts audited
Don’t wait for last day to file ITR .
CA. Kalpesh Karia is a Fellow Chartered Accountant . He founded and developed this blog ' FinanceFriend.in ' in 2012. He regularly posts articles related to finance and taxation on his blog. As the name suggests, he is trying to be a Finance Friend and wants to give back to society what he has learned over the years. He shares knowledge based on his 18 years of experiences in areas like Finance, Accounts, Taxation, Forex & Treasury , Wealth Management & Financial Planning, Costing, SAP and Digital Transformation .