List of most due date chart of all statutory payments for F Y 2013-14 pertains to central laws.
How to use Due Date Chart of all statutory payments for F Y 2013-14 : Below table is very user friendly and provide better navigation. You can search due date of payment or return in search box e.g. “Service Tax”. You can decide to show 10 or 25 rows at a time. You can take print out or take PDF version by selecting 25 rows (for all entries) and clicking on respective option which is available at the end of table. You can sort table. Hope you will like it!
We are frequently updating detail of payments and returns to make chart exhaustive. Please give your feedback for the post.
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to provide quality contents to avoid any errors and omissions however it is suggested for removal of any doubts user should take professional advice or should confirm with relevant Government laws, acts,rules and notifications. or its authors or publisher are not responsible for any loss or liability incurred by using this information.
thank u sir …….for ur valuable information…it will help me allot….very very thanking u..
tanx a lot sir…
for such a valuable information…:)
it will b helpful for all
it is very useful for tax consultants
thankyou for giving avaluble sugition
proper information for us tk u sir
it is grateful cooperation for consultation.
very valuable information………….thank you.
Thanks from heart. becoz it is very useful for achive their goals.
Thank you to providing valuable information in one place.
With Best Regards
Madhusudan Mishra
we are trust rent for period 30.9.2014 received in month of oct.2013 and service tax on rent collected in 23rd Dec 2013 when should we pay to govt and what would be the period to be mentioned in challan.
Very useful information for Fresher and others at one glance.
Thanks for Due Dates info at a glance.
Thanks for giving valuable information, kindly provide complete information for all statutory payments and returns monthly quarterly and annually with correct dates, because if i am searching in Google for any information related to statutory ,different people are giving different dates, so confused to know which are due dates for payments and returns.
Doer SIR
thank you . provide vat dates also
Thanks a lot for the information relating to TDS payment last date for March Qr’2014.It will help me better,
tanx a lot sir…
for such a valuable information…:)
it will b helpful for all
Its usefulll
Good ones, thanks for info.
Plz update for VAT due dates of all states.
As that causes confusion.
Thank you to providing valuable information in one place.
Thank u sir
Really Good.
U have thought a lot for public.
thanks a lot sir
its very useful
Thanks for the important thing share
Really it’s valuable advice for me.Thank you very much.
very valuable information to all……….
thk u very much sir for all statutory due date & date of filing
This is the very useful for all but also provide Vat Due date.
well done thank u
What are the rules for selling a non-excisable input chemical “as such”, by an exciseable goods manufacturer. Should excise be charged or not on this chemical ?